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Derek Blais, art director
Laurent Abesdris, writer
Eugene Bak/Sean Morgan, designers
Stephen Bennett, creative director
Shin Sugino, director of photography
Finn O Hara, director
Bethanne Clark/Wendi Marchioni, agency producers
Relish, post-production company
Frito-Lay, Ruffles, client

"To introduce their new man-tastic flavors, Ruffles offered Facebook fans 99¢ off a 99¢ bag. Once fans grabbed their bags, they dove into the Ruffles Feeding Frenzy, a week-long web serial that featured real piranhas living in a custom-built underwater bachelor pad. Every day at 3PM, we started a frenzy by feeding the fish our ingredients, like chicken wings, beef and cheese. Did they like their tasty snacks? You bet your ass they did."


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