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Jeff Cheung, art director
Andrew Chisholm, writer
Head Gear, animation
Pirate, music company
Janice Bisson, agency producer
Frito-Lay, SunChips, client

"SunChips, the snack that is made with solar power in Modesto, California, wanted to help others become greener. So they funded the Green Effect, a program that invested in new green initiatives. This video invited people to put forward their ideas." "Butterflies" 1:06 (This story is inspired by the expression butterfly effect, which suggests that the gentle flapping of a butterfly’s wings can have an enormous impact. In this version of the butterfly effect we see that one person’s small idea for a greener world has a butterfly effect, bigger than he could have ever imagined. The video was a call for entries for “green ideas.” Winning ideas received $20,000 in seed money. The initiative was co-sponsored by SunChips and National Geographic) Anncr. (VO): You. Yeah, you. The planet needs a small favor. It needs one small, simple idea…from you. An idea to make it greener, better…happier. Maybe you’re thinking, but I’m just one person. How can my idea do those things? Well, what if someone else was inspired by your idea? And they chose to act. And that inspired more people to do the same. One idea grows into another, which leads to another…and so on. See what you’ve started here? Doesn’t seem so small anymore does it? So what is that idea? We don’t know. That’s for you to say. Log on to greeneffect.com and share it with us. The five best ideas will receive $20,000 to make them happen. And will be profiled in National Geographic. Then you’ll travel to National Geographic Headquarters, in Washington, DC, to present your idea to environmental leaders. So do we have the power to make our planet greener, better…happier? We think so. And with your idea, we can make it happen together. Logos: SunChips and National Geographic.


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