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Responses by Eric Van Holtz, developer and founder, Van Holtz Co.

Background: In the United States, 100 people die every day due to gun violence. What will it take for us to care about the numbers again? We’re calling for creatives to make an original poster that expresses this horrifying statistic.

Good Measure is a pop-up agency organizing creative projects for lasting impact. In March 2019, more than 100 creatives gathered at Ueno’s office in New York City to create “100 Every Day” in just 72 hours. Van Holtz Co., Kiu Yi, Alex Van Holtz and Raphael Rauwolf all donated their time to create the site, which launched on July 22. The site enables anyone to create and submit their artwork to represent gun violence and share it with the world. This project is one of many that accompanies live events, hosted by Good Measure, in major cities throughout the United States for people to come together to do good.

Core features: The style of the website uses a CMYK-color scheme with a nod to printing registration, which is how overlapping colors form an image. As you scroll through the artwork on the homepage, you’ll see a chromatic aberration effect that makes the primary colors of the images separate.

User-submitted artwork is front and center and can be shared on social media. The site uses the monospaced font Excellent by Stephan Müller to reinforce the printing style along with the animated text highlighting. Through content animations, dynamic loading, page transitions and smooth scrolling, the site is easy to browse, quickly educating visitors about ways to help contribute and spread awareness.

Favorite details: Seeing user submissions coming through with creative designs, animations and powerful messaging has been the most meaningful thing to us. We want people to care about the numbers again. With more than 100 submissions and more than 20,000 visitors to the site in the last month, we believe that’s happening.

Technology: The website is powered by Craft CMS, who also partnered with us on this project and donated a pro license. Other technologies used include GSAP, Highway, O-GL and Tailwind CSS.


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