Responses by Evgeniy Kuzmin, creative director, Uprock.
Background: The purpose of the website is to describe one of the most progressive and rapidly developing areas of technology: robotics. Robotic technology creates programmable robots which can replace people in difficult research, dangerous industries, and in hard and monotonous occupations. The target audience of the website is adults and children who are interested in modern robotic devices. We made this website because we like robots and wanted as many people as possible to learn about their capabilities.
Design core: The main feature of the website is minimalism. We emphasized the inner content and information about robots with recognizable and unobtrusive animations to draw the user’s attention.
Favorite details: That we could focus attention on our main characters: modern robots. And that we could use their photos and videos to tell a story about their unique capabilities instead of just using them as decorative elements.
Challenges: The most difficult things about the website were finding a balance between informative and decorative parts, and finding a style that would suit the story about these extremely interesting devices in the best way.
Time constraints: Work on the website took a little longer than originally planned. Since the website is nonprofit, we could afford to test different structures and grids for content. Several color decisions went into the background. We added and removed decorative elements. All of this was made to reach the best result.
New lessons: In the process of creating the website, we literally became experts on Boston Dynamics’s robots and fans of robotic technology. A simple interest in robots turned into an admiration for their creators.
Navigation structure: We wanted to make it easy for users to access the pages about each robot. The specificity of navigation on the website is that all the important elements on the main page are clickable in addition to the search in the menu. The presence of link blocks to the pages about the heroes of the story before the footer on each page is also one of the special navigational features of the site.
Technology: The website was created on the Webflow platform. Additionally, we used JavaScript and CSS3.