Responses by Hammer Albrecht.
Background: This is a self-promotion website. It targets future clients and also addresses other designers, as we are looking for new staff members.
Design core: The site introduces our graphic design agency, shows the studio and includes our portfolio work. All these projects have been done for clients. We are proud that the website has a lot of details and effects but still looks clean and is very usable.
Challenges: To make a project for yourself is always very hard because normally you set the bar very high—especially when it comes to your own portfolio. We had a deadline even though it was our own website because projects just don’t work without deadlines. In doing our own website, we definitely learned a lot and used this project to experiment. We learned the most about UX features and content production.
Navigation: We have a home page that features our most important work with a text concept that comes in with a parallax effect. The menu screen shows the main pages, and on the project page, the user can define the selection of projects by using filters.
Technology: The site was built in WordPress with CSS3, HTML5, jQuery and PHP.