Responses by Koke Fernández, creative director, LaNegrita.
Background: Previously, when a patient was diagnosed with a coronary problem and had to undergo surgery, their medical team would have to provide large amounts of information and documentation in a wide variety of formats. La Guía de Cirugía Cardiaca (“The Cardiac Surgery Guide”) was born from the idea of collecting all this information in the same place and showing it to patients and their relatives in a simple, accessible way.
Once we at LaNegrita learned about this assignment and saw the approach that our client wanted to take with the content, we were very clear that we had to do something unexpected and groundbreaking, far from the aseptic, cold aesthetic expected of projects with medical themes. We opted for a lighthearted, positive, friendly and contemporary art direction, paying close attention to detail, user experience, and ease of both finding and viewing content. At the same time, we provided the client with a fully manageable and updatable tool that they could use for a long time.
Larger picture: Mainly, everything focuses on La Guía de Cirugía Cardiaca. However, it is worth noting that the sound stories are being broadcast independently on some of the best-known podcasting platforms, as well as an Instagram account for the occasion.
Design core: As the main features of the site, I would highlight the card and folder system on which the user experience is based, as well as the online player. Stylistically, I would highlight how pioneering it is in the medical sector.
Favorite details: We are very proud of how we approached the project on both an aesthetic and functional level. The client trusted our approach initially, assuming the risks that it meant for both of us to go completely out of our comfort zones.
Challenges: This is not a simple site in any of its aspects, but if I had to choose, the real challenges of the project were the animating, opening and operating the folders and cards. It was also a challenge to propose a design that was as visual as possible while maintaining its ability to be managed by the client.
Divergent paths: I would have applied more polish to some details when displaying the content. But in general, we are thrilled with the result. We don’t know if we will think the same in a few months!
Navigation thinking: Basically, the site acts as a system comprising folders and documents contained within—a kind of “Google Drive” of the heart. Using this concept of navigation and content structure is already quite exceptional for a website of this type.
Technology: The site has been completely developed with a WordPress content manager in addition to making use of the latest generation of technological resources, such as Virtual Scroll, Webpack, AJAX and LazyLoad to minimize loading times.
One of the crucial details for us from the beginning was the agility of the site and speed of navigation. We believe that this is very well-resolved and that the guide is a very comfortable and agile site when it comes to browsing and consulting content.