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Responses by Elettra Zuanazzi and Tomas Baruffaldi, founders, ET Studio.

Background: The purpose of the site was to rewrite the history of motorcycles that had been abandoned and give voice to a passion. The site’s target audience are all fans of not only engines but also stories.

Design core: The most significant elements are the minimal design to give importance to the photos (also thanks to the use of typography) and the surprise effect on the homepage—the photo is visible only through user interaction.

Favorite details: The slides projected on the bikes that help to tell their story, and the copywriting created specifically for each bike that tells the story from another point of view.

Challenges: The most challenging aspect was the development because we wanted the interactions to be fluid with no waiting time between pages. This required time and continuous optimization. Fortunately, the timing worked in our favor, so we were able to achieve everything the way we wanted.

Divergent paths: If we had to start all over again, we would put even more emphasis on transitions and animations to make the experience even more immersive.

New lessons: By making this project, we learned that even the smallest things, whether they are passions or hobbies, can have a strong voice and personality. Everything can be made magical.

Navigation: The navigation structure is characteristic—especially on the homepage—because it is based on the fact that every element, every bike, has the same importance. A list has been created that can be discovered simply by moving up and down with the mouse without the need for other actions.

Special navigation elements: The most particular navigation function is the surprise effect that you get at rollover on the homepage.

Technology: Vue.js, GSAP, Firebase and SVG filters.


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