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Responses by Readymag.

Background: Readymag has released a new series of editorial templates, titled Read Me!, to offer our users some new options for long reads. Our team had the idea to present something bigger than just a regular template. That idea evolved into a comprehensive feature on the evolution of on-screen reading, issues of legibility, as well as details related to web layouts and how to present information.

This long read explores how the notion of readability has evolved over the years, offering designers ideas and tools to help create engaging text and layouts. It provides two fully customizable and ready-to-use templates, perfect for all types of web publications.

The target audience is anyone that designs for online readers and wants to make text more readable.

Larger promotional campaign: One of our intentions was to encourage visitors to try out Readymag. That’s why we regularly release new templates to make it easier for new users to get started.

Design core: We provide users with the opportunity to use each chapter of Read Me! as an independent template, each with its own individual style and typographic solutions. Other than showcasing various approaches to layout, we also wanted to highlight the variety of fonts available with Readymag. Type is a big focus especially in exploring new ways of applying key principles; for example, there are six stylistically different text-formatting options in one of the templates.

Favorite details: How well our new templates work for long reads and pages with lots of text. The first variant is traditional and minimal in its organization, while the other is a typographically rich template builder. The split was made with the intention of giving users more control over their workflow. If they want to work faster and get a quick result, they might choose the first—after all, it’s an almost error-proof layout. If they like to experiment, they can use the second, more complex template. This split also builds on the main idea of the text: Readability is not a synonym for simplicity. Text can be highly experimental and, at the same time, highly readable.

We are glad that we have found a way to give users theoretical advice (text), graphic examples and a new tool they can quickly put to good use at the same time.

Technology: The project was created entirely with Readymag. Readymag is a browser-based design tool that helps create websites, portfolios and online presentations without coding. It offers advanced animations and more than 3,000 free fonts, as well as teamwork, analytics and much more. Around-the-clock support and a WYSIWYG attitude empower both independent creatives and companies to meet their goals for online representation, all with no layout limitations, complete creative freedom and a flexible set of templates for a quick start.


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