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Serving as the interactive hub for the brand, this version of Revo.com was created in conjunction with the Look Deeper brand campaign and an all-new product line. The site extends storytelling and concepts put into play through other marketing efforts—such as traditional media placement and in-store initiative—while offering up the ability to measure, track and capture movements across all of the separate pieces.

One of the most important goals was to create a very graceful fallback process for the site experience and a more mobile friendly offering (i.e. without Flash or Javascript it should still work well).

• In total the site has 42 images, 3 videos and a few social media/blog aggregators.

• A simple interface maintains a nearly infinitely deep site structure with a custom Ruby on Rails back end is and a front end that's a mix of HTML, Javascript and Flash.

• The product detail pages have zoom to full-screen views.

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