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SpectraLink delivers mobile voice and messaging applications to businesses; their site distributes the company’s information to a worldwide audience. There’s nothing that gets our notice faster than simplicity. Call us old-fashioned, but we think the Web’s key task is providing quick and easy access to information. And this site, with its visual and technical minimalism, is a perfect example of how to do things right. The design is based on subtle graphics and color-coding that do a nice job of partitioning content and keep the site from becoming visually tedious. And although the photography is noticeably stock, it’s well-placed and does a nice job of adding interest to an otherwise unadorned site.

• Everything on this site fits tidily into seven categories in a global nav positioned on the left-side of the page. It’s a solution that leaves vertical room for a series of dropdown menus in the secondary navigation.

• Great consistency in the color-coding—right down to each section’s PDF links. With the amount of PDF files (more than 200), if standard icons had been used it would have changed the entire visual balance of the site.

• “Viewpoint,” it’s a series of postings intended as a candid analysis and commentary on the industry. While it's not super revelatory (we’re fairly certain that they’re not releasing any company secrets), the casual/conversational style got our attention.


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