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This hub for Steelcase’s 100th birthday celebrates evolution, innovation and community through a social media connection that creates a platform for users to explore its contributions to the industry.

Content is organized into three sections, 100 Dreams, 100 Minds and 100 Years, and consists largely of insights by some of the world’s best thinkers—children and well-known iconoclasts from design, business, education, philanthropy and the arts. From the concepts, visitors can begin to see the patterns for the world ahead and the unlocking of human promise.

The three sections in the primary nav each have a unique set of filtering tools that enable users to find what interests them. An anchored header offers quick access to, and between, site sections.

• Site design and development took seven months.

• Content administrators and translators were brought on to assist with implementing the site across six languages.

• The site has approximately 50 videos, more than 600 images and written submissions, hundreds of asset files and approximately 20 unique templates.

• The backend is WordPress with a custom theme built for the site and the WPML plugin provides the framework to deliver content to all six languages. The frontend is built in HTML5 and makes extensive use of JavaScript and browser-targeted CSS to support a wide range of clients. Vimeo provides the video-hosting.

• In the first month the site received 22,000 unique visitors from 126 countries/territories, 71,000 page views and a 25 percent return rate.

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