Responses by Branding Iron @ Stantec.
Background: The Trove website aims to create excitement and encourage prospective residents to tour and ultimately lease at this new apartment building in Arlington, Virginia. Centrally located but somewhat hidden from view, the property is a true gem. The Trove website and print campaign seeks to encourage potential renters to search a little harder to find the property by promising that when they do, they’ll be rewarded in spades.
The Trove web campaign is designed to intrigue potential residents and persuade them to learn more about this new apartment building. Promising “all will be revealed,” the website reinforces the theme with unexpected interactions, which is how we turned the challenge of limited visibility into a benefit. After all, being off the beaten path is actually the best way to see the stars!
Design core: Bold typography, evocative imagery and unexpected graphic elements—like a keyhole hidden in the logo, subtle animations and a jiggling key icon that leads to a hidden page—really helped make the experience of the website feel like wonderful experiences are being revealed as you navigate through it. We really love the animated images, which we created in-house.
Challenges: The words “Hey! Find Your New Home Here.” We wanted the words to relate to sections of the website that they link out to, while still reading as a sentence. We also discovered that it is a challenge to find relevant images that lend themselves to being partially animated.
Navigation structure: We wanted users to be able to navigate right up front, so as soon as they begin to scroll, they’re given an opportunity to go straight to whichever page they’re most interested in. Of course, they can always use the hamburger menu as well.