This interactive extension of the “It’s Not Science Fiction” campaign, which captures the missions and technology of the Air Force, allows users to step into the television commercials and explore the Air Force careers and technology used for Combat Search and Rescue, Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Space.
The site relies heavily on a hybrid of Flash content, interactive 3-D and high-res video to create an immersive experience that combines gaming, live chat and text to demonstrate what it’s like to work with technology generally considered to be science fiction.
The target audience is familiar with immersive gaming environments, so the non-traditional navigation system, that’s both unique and intuitive, serves them well. A universally-accessed, high-level scheme allows visitors to hop from place to place in the site and an immersive environmental overlay navigation guides them in a linear fashion through the site and the content.
• The redesign of the homepage now includes scenes taken from the “It’s Not Science Fiction” TV creative.
• The site contains 27 videos (including the actual commercials), 4 games (1 augmented reality video game), 3 demos and 3 3-D models.
• Roughly 4 levels deep with the main SWFs on the root and subsequent assets and code on levels 2–4, the site has 300 files and 4 main content modules; below that each module consists of anywhere from 3–5 sub-modules with descriptive content and videos for each team member and vehicle.
• During the first full month after launch (February 2–March 2) there had been over 4,000 incremental clicks to the Adviser Chat, over 13,000 games played, over 110,000 video views (150 percent lift in views as compared to the previous homepage feature), and homepage exit rates were down 2.36 percent versus the previous month.
• A mobile version (created by Ipsh!) will eventually complement the site.
The site relies heavily on a hybrid of Flash content, interactive 3-D and high-res video to create an immersive experience that combines gaming, live chat and text to demonstrate what it’s like to work with technology generally considered to be science fiction.
The target audience is familiar with immersive gaming environments, so the non-traditional navigation system, that’s both unique and intuitive, serves them well. A universally-accessed, high-level scheme allows visitors to hop from place to place in the site and an immersive environmental overlay navigation guides them in a linear fashion through the site and the content.
• The redesign of the homepage now includes scenes taken from the “It’s Not Science Fiction” TV creative.
• The site contains 27 videos (including the actual commercials), 4 games (1 augmented reality video game), 3 demos and 3 3-D models.
• Roughly 4 levels deep with the main SWFs on the root and subsequent assets and code on levels 2–4, the site has 300 files and 4 main content modules; below that each module consists of anywhere from 3–5 sub-modules with descriptive content and videos for each team member and vehicle.
• During the first full month after launch (February 2–March 2) there had been over 4,000 incremental clicks to the Adviser Chat, over 13,000 games played, over 110,000 video views (150 percent lift in views as compared to the previous homepage feature), and homepage exit rates were down 2.36 percent versus the previous month.
• A mobile version (created by Ipsh!) will eventually complement the site.
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