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Responses by Martin Silvestre, founder and creative director, Numbered.

Background: The launch of this new e-commerce platform introduced a new product category for the Veloretti bicycle brand: its first modern e-bike.

The site was launched in three phases. First, we did a landing page for people to discover and preorder the e-bike. Then, we did a website focusing only on the e-bike. Finally, we completely redesigned Veloretti’s e-commerce page for both its electric and nonelectric bikes and accessories.

Design core: Most of Veloretti’s competitors only focus on technology. We tried to keep fashion and lifestyle approaches in the design even on some more tech-oriented pages, playing with unique layouts and video content.

Challenges: Veloretti is well-known for its lifestyle and aesthetic city bikes. The challenge was to rebuild the whole platform and help the brand launch two new electric bikes. We needed to promote a new generation of bikes without losing the core values of Veloretti.

Special navigational features: The electric bike was a big change for Veloretti. We imagined a double navigation—electric and city—even if the design would be similar for both. We did a light theme for the nonelectric pages and a dark theme for the electric. The goal was to convey a more technical approach without losing the lifestyle touch.

Technology: The website is a headless Shopify e-commerce.


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