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Responses by Wonderland

Background: We started with a single question: How can we present the best of our work and our diverse capabilities in one captivating experience, while representing our studio’s philosophy and attract the type of clients we love to work with? Thus, the primary objective of the site was to get users, who want a unique and visually beautiful user experience, excited about Wonderland and the services we offer.

Highlights: The user navigational experience. We gave it a lot of consideration upfront and it was important for us to create an interactive experience that allowed our visual work to sing. We love the visual case studies too. We spent a lot of time creating the right visual content style so they’re nice to browser through, and then complimenting what users see with engaging copy.

Challenges: Although we make websites for clients all the time, redeveloping our own was fraught with less familiar challenges. As any creative will tell you, you are always more critical of your own work; instead of complying with parameters defined in a client brief, limitations are largely self-imposed.

Favorite details: From the sparkle effect on the homepage—that brings a sense of Wonderland’s brand of magic—to the consideration we gave to our team’s photographs, they all come together to offer one immersive experience. We also like how all the thought we put into the site’s behavior and interaction draws users in and evokes a sense of connection and curiosity.

Technological features: For creating the visuals, we used our own-made animation framework IMOG, the (Interactive Motion Graphics) JavaScript Framework. The background animations were done with the WebGL API using pixel and fragment shaders programmed in GLSL language. For backend technology, we’ve used our own framework called NuWB, which pulls the contents from our backend, and extracts them for easy use in our boilerplate.

Anything new: During this project, we really learned the value of planning a project and that we’re all pretty much perfectionists. When so much love has gone into a passion project, it can become harder to recognize when it’s done.


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