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Jude Buffum/Paul Kepple, designers/illustrators
Bryn Ashburn/Paul Kepple, art directors
Joe Borgenicht/Louis Borgenicht, M.D., writers
Kevin Kosbab/Melissa Wagner, editors
Headcase Design, illustration/design firm
Chris Veneziale, production manager
Quirk Books, publisher/client
Deluxe box set edition of the award-winning, best-selling book The Baby Owner's Manual. In addition to the book, the kit contains an instructional poster, babysitter notepad with magnet and a growth chart with stickers for tracking physical development. The packaging also doubles as a keepsake box. 228 pages, 9 1/2 x 7 1/2, perfect-bound, box, poster, growth chart, 4-color, book, magnet, stickers, notepad, 2-color die-cut removable bellyband, die-cut magnet.

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